At the recent Amigos de SER Recognition Luncheon, a check for $500,000 was presented to SER Metro for their Youth Reengagement Center by Michigan State Legislators led by Senator Mary Cavanagh and supported by Senators Stephanie Chang, Darrin Camillari, and Representative Veronica Paiz who were in attendance. The $3.5 million renovation of the SER facility at 9215 Michigan Ave. in Southwest Detroit features state-of-the-art classrooms, offices, group meeting spaces, and a new construction lab that will be utilized for all SER construction and skilled trades training programs. In addition to funding from the State of Michigan, private funding was received from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation, Huntington Bank, the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan and AT&T.

Michigan legislators presented SER Metro-Detroit President and CEO Eva Garza Dewaelsche with a check for $500,000 at the recent Amigos de SER Luncheon in Detroit. Pictured (from left to right): Rep. Veronica Paiz, Sen. Darrin Camillari, Eva Garza Dewaelsche, Sen. Mary Cavanagh and Sen. Stephanie Chang. Not pictured, Rep Tyrone Carter. Photo by Jose Juarez