Sunday, October 8, 2023
Detroit, MI –
M to M LLC is proud to announce a special fundraising event LAZOS Detroit: Hispanic Cultural Festival Mercadito – A Fundraiser to Benefit One Michigan for Immigrant Rights. This family-friendly event will feature performances all day long, celebrating the rich Hispanic Heritage of Detroit’s immigrant community, highlighting the inspiring documentary film “Michoacán to Michigan”. There will be a marketplace with Business Alianzas Mercadito Vendors, artesanías and art, food trucks and antojitos mexicanos, a tequila tasting to launch Tequila Cabresto Blanco, resource tables, face painting, and other activities for the kids.
LAZOS Detroit will take place on Sunday, October 8, 2023, from 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm at Vallarta LIVE’s venue located at 4381 Larkins Street, Detroit, MI.
The event showcases the screening of the documentary film, Michoacán to Michigan with a moderated bilingual discussion. The panel will consist of immigrants from various backgrounds, the filmmaker, members of the Fraga family, and representatives from local organizations supporting immigrant communities. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with the panelists, ask questions, and gain further insights into the challenges and triumphs of immigrant families.
The goal of the event is to highlight the stories of our diverse immigrant community and
to provide a forum for organizations that deliver essential support and resources to immigrant communities, fostering their integration and success. All proceeds, including the recommended donation of $5 per person or an unwrapped toy, will go directly to One Michigan for Immigrant Rights to support the thousands of Christmas wishes they fulfill each year. The primary event sponsor, Sherwin-Williams, will also be presenting job and training opportunities specifically for Spanish-speaking individuals.
“We believe in the power of storytelling to bring communities together and create
empathy and understanding,” said Len Radjewski (Fraga), Event Organizer. “Through Michoacán to Michigan, we aim to inspire individuals and families to embrace their immigration stories, while also raising funds for organizations that are doing incredible work to support immigrants and their contributions to society.”
Michoacán to Michigan is a compelling documentary telling the story of Valeriano and Martina Fraga’s journey from the Mexican city of Morelia, in the state of Michoacán, located in western Mexico to the “Thumb” area in the state of Michigan. In 1919, due to unrest and turmoil, including serious personal threats in Mexico during the period around the Mexican Revolution, they left their home country to seek safety and stability in America. 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of their family’s crossing.
This inspiring documentary chronicles their journey, showcasing the challenges they faced and the triumphs they achieved. It serves as a powerful testament to the resilience, determination, and contributions of immigrant families to the United States.
The mission behind the “Michoacán to Michigan” fundraiser is to inspire other families to share their own immigration stories, promote cultural diversity and understanding, raise funds for organizations that support immigrant communities, and highlight the positive impact immigrant families have had on American culture.
“The fundraiser aims to bring together a diverse audience, including local families, community members, entrepreneurs, leaders, advocates, and individuals passionate about promoting inclusivity and celebrating the rich tapestry of Latin American culture,” said Bridget Espinosa, CEO of Puente Cultural Integration and coordinator of the event. “The Puente Cultural Integration team is proud to support the planning and marketing for this important cultural community event in Southwest Detroit.”
Vallarta LIVE, a renowned venue known for its commitment to community engagement, is thrilled to host this event and provide a platform to amplify immigrant voices and experiences.
To buy tickets or to make a donation for the LAZOS Detroit fundraiser go to
Updates on Mercadito vendors, the complete event agenda and sponsors will be posted
For those unable to attend, there will be opportunities to make donations and support the cause online through the event website.
Join us on Sunday, October 8, 2023, at Vallarta LIVE, as we come together to celebrate the immigrant experience, learn from inspiring stories, and raise funds for an organization that champions the rights and well-being of immigrant communities at LAZOS Detroit.
Current sponsors and supporters include:
- Business Alianzas / Puente Cultural Integration
- Vallarta Live
- Sherwin-Williams Careers
- Intelligent AV
- Alliance Catholic Credit Union
- MG Income Tax
- Tequila Cabresto
- El Parián / La Palapa del Parian
- Rite Way Pallets
- La Z 1310 AM – broadcasting LIVE from LAZOS
- Jennifer Aparicio Realtor
- M&D Drywall
To become an event sponsor or to request an invoice for your donation, email
Current Vendors & Community Resource Tables include:
- Taqueria El Parian
- El ArteSano / Juice & Café Bar
- Cafecito Alvarez
- Frances Naturals & More
- Marias (Artesanias Mexicanas)
- The Scorpio Mystic
- Sun Secret
- Marles Creations
- Accesorios Schula
- Mana Moment
- Lolos Collection
- Rosita Bakery
- Numu Toys
- Mona Accesorios
- Mexicanisima Artesanal
- Chilazo Candy
- Congress of Communities
- Sherwin-Williams (Job Opportunities)
- PowerLyfe
About “Michoacán to Michigan”
“Michoacán to Michigan” is a captivating documentary film that tells the story of the Fraga family’s immigration journey from Mexico to the United States.
About One Michigan for Immigrant Rights:
We work towards providing resources to immigrant communities through organizing, education, and empowerment. We answer to and are driven by the needs of our community.
About Puente Cultural Integration and Business Alianzas:
The mission of Puente Cultural Integration is to provide and advocate for equitable resources and opportunities to immigrant and minority-owned businesses. We help to bridge the cultural and language gap between the Latinx/Hispanic community and agencies through inclusive program development, bilingual and culturally appropriate marketing strategies, Spanish-language services, workshops, individualized small business coaching, and cross-cultural consulting.
Business Alianzas is a community of small business owners, emergent entrepreneurs, and organizations collaborating to connect and forge professional partnerships. Alianzas members have integrated into a robust referral network to ensure equitable access to bilingual resources and opportunities to grow small businesses. We believe that collaboration, business-to-business relationships, and networking create a synergy for economic growth in our community.
About Vallarta LIVE:
Vallarta LIVE is a leading venue in Detroit, MI, dedicated to hosting diverse cultural events and fostering community engagement. Through its wide range of programming, Vallarta LIVE aims to create inclusive spaces, promote dialogue, and celebrate the rich diversity that contributes to the vibrant fabric of American society. To learn more about
Vallarta LIVE, visit

Domingo, 8 de octubre de 2023
Detroit, MI –
M to M LLC se enorgullece en anunciar un evento especial de recaudación de fondos:
LAZOS Detroit: Festival Cultural Hispano & Mercadito – Una Recaudación de Fondos
para Beneficiar a One Michigan por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes.
Este evento familiar contará con actuaciones durante todo el día, celebrando la herencia Hispana de la comunidad inmigrante de Detroit, destacando el inspirador documental “Michoacán to Michigan”. Habrá un mercado con vendedores de Business Alianzas Mercadito, artesanías y arte, camiones de comida y antojitos mexicanos, una degustación de tequila por el lanzamiento de Tequila Cabresto Blanco, mesas de recursos, pinta caritas y otras actividades para los niños. LAZOS Detroit tendrá lugar el domingo, 8 de octubre del 2023, de 12:30 p.m. a 6:00 p.m. en el salón de fiestas Vallarta LIVE ubicado en 4381 Larkins Street, Detroit, MI.
El evento presenta el documental “Michoacán to Michigan” seguida por una discusión bilingüe moderada. El panel estará compuesto por inmigrantes de diversos orígenes, el director, miembros de la familia Fraga y representantes de organizaciones locales que apoyan a las comunidades inmigrantes. Los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de interactuar con los panelistas, hacer preguntas y obtener más información sobre los desafíos y triunfos de las familias inmigrantes.
El objetivo del evento es destacar las historias de nuestra diversa comunidad inmigrante y proporcionar un foro para organizaciones que ofrecen apoyo esencial y recursos a las comunidades inmigrantes, fomentando su integración y éxito. Todos los ingresos, incluida la donación recomendada de $5 por persona o un juguete sin envolver, irán directamente a One Michigan por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes para apoyar los miles de deseos navideños que cumplen cada año. El patrocinador principal del evento, Sherwin-Williams, también presentará oportunidades laborales y de capacitación específicamente para personas de habla hispana.
“Creemos en el poder de contar historias para unir comunidades y crear empatía y comprensión” dijo Len Radjewski (Fraga), organizador del evento. A través de “Michoacán to Michigan,” pretendemos inspirar a personas y familias a abrazar sus historias de inmigración, al mismo tiempo que recaudamos fondos para organizaciones que están haciendo un trabajo increíble apoyando a los inmigrantes y sus contribuciones a la sociedad”.
Michoacán to Michigan es un documental conmovedor que narra la historia del viaje de Valeriano y Martina Fraga desde la ciudad de Morelia, en el estado de Michoacán, en el oeste de México, hasta el área del “Thumb” en el estado de Michigan. En 1919, debido a la inestabilidad y agitación, incluidas graves amenazas personales en México durante el período de la Revolución Mexicana, abandonaron su país natal en busca de seguridad y estabilidad en Los Estados Unidos. 2019 marca el 100º aniversario de su cruce familiar.
Este inspirador documental narra su viaje, mostrando los desafíos que enfrentaron y los triunfos que lograron. Sirve como un poderoso testimonio de la resistencia, determinación y contribuciones de las familias inmigrantes a los Estados Unidos. La misión detrás de la recaudación de fondos de “Michoacán to Michigan” es inspirar a otras familias a compartir sus propias historias de inmigración, promover la diversidad y comprensión cultural, recaudar fondos para organizaciones que apoyan a comunidades inmigrantes y destacar el impacto positivo que las familias inmigrantes han tenido en la cultura estadounidense.
“El objetivo de la recaudación de fondos es reunir a un público diverso, incluyendo familias locales, miembros de la comunidad, empresarios, líderes, defensores e individuos apasionados por promover la inclusión y celebrar el rico mosaico de la cultura latinoamericana.”, dijo Bridget Espinosa, CEO de Puente Cultural Integration y coordinadora del evento. “El equipo de Puente Cultural Integration está orgulloso de apoyar la planificación y marketing de este importante evento cultural comunitario en Southwest Detroit.”
Vallarta LIVE, un renombrado lugar conocido por su compromiso comunitario, está emocionado de patrocinar este evento y proporcionar una plataforma para amplificar las voces y experiencias de los inmigrantes.
Para comprar boletos o hacer una donación para la recaudación de fondos de LAZOS Detroit, visite
Las actualizaciones sobre la agenda del evento y los patrocinadores se
publicarán en
Para aquellos que no puedan asistir, habrá oportunidades para hacer donaciones y apoyar la causa en línea a través del sitio web del evento.
Te esperamos el domingo 8 de octubre del 2023, en Vallarta LIVE, mientras nos unimos para celebrar la experiencia inmigrante, conocer historias inspiradoras y recaudar fondos para una organización que defiende los derechos y el bienestar de las comunidades inmigrantes en LAZOS Detroit.
- Business Alianzas / Puente Cultural Integration
- Vallarta Live
- Sherwin-Williams Careers
- Intelligent AV
- Alliance Catholic Credit Union
- MG Income Tax
- Tequila Cabresto
- El Parián / La Palapa del Parian
- Rite Way Pallets
- La Z 1310 AM – broadcasting LIVE from LAZOS
- Jennifer Aparicio Realtor
- M&D Drywall
To become an event sponsor or to request an invoice for your donation, email
Vendedores & Recursos:
- Taqueria El Parian
- El ArteSano / Juice & Café Bar
- Cafecito Alvarez
- Frances Naturals & More
- Marias (Artesanias Mexicanas)
- The Scorpio Mystic
- Sun Secret
- Marles Creations
- Accesorios Schula
- Mana Moment
- Lolos Collection
- Rosita Bakery
- Numu Toys
- Mona Accesorios
- Mexicanisima Artesanal
- Chilazo Candy
- Congress of Communities
- Sherwin-Williams (Job Opportunities)
- PowerLyfe