- Sign the Pledge
Visit https://www.forimmigration.biz/sign to add your name, your business, or organization to the roll of Michiganders standing with Businesses and People for Immigration.
- Volunteer with Business and People for Immigration
We are looking for volunteers to help us with any and all aspects of this campaign. From something as simple as helping to staff an event to leveraging your skills as a creative marketer, web designer, writer, graphic designer, researcher, community organizer, or marketer– we can put you to work in building this campaign. Email us at info@globaldetroitmi.org if you want to lend a hand or an idea.
- Write an Op-Ed
Your perspective counts: submit a letter to the editor or opinion to your local newspaper to let them know why you support immigrants and immigration.
- Host a Know Your Rights Training for Businesses and Employers
Our campaign, Businesses and People for Immigration (BPFI), campaign can help connect business groups with an Employer Toolkit and presentations by employment and immigration attorneys advising employers on 1) how to maintain their I-9 paperwork, 2) what to do during an ICE raid, and 3) what employers should know about hiring immigrants, refugees, and international students. If you gather the businesses, we will bring the know-how.
- Host an Event to Educate Your Community on Immigrant Contributions
The BPFI campaign is committed to spreading the facts about immigration and the contributions that immigrants bring to our economy, our local communities and our future. We are eager to provide speakers, presentations, and data to work with you to get the word out.
- Provide a Testimonial
The BPFI campaign seeks to lift up the voices of an array of Michigan’s business and community leaders, as well as everyday citizens that believe that immigration and immigrants improve Michigan’s economy and quality of life. We use social media and other materials to help convey our message, demonstrating that a broad segment of Michiganders believe that immigrants are hardworking, people of faith eager to pursue the American Dream in their new home in Michigan. We rely on quotes and photos from our campaign signers to spread this message.
- Start Your Meetings and Events with an Immigration Acknowledgment
Most Michiganders are the descendants of immigrants, if not immigrants themselves. At your next meeting break the ice with a story of where your family came from and what brought them to America.
- Register for Welcoming Interactive
Michigan is amping up to host Welcoming Interactive, Welcoming America’s biannual three-day conference where nearly 1,000 local welcoming leaders will gather to discuss strategies and best practices in creating a “nation of neighbors.” Join the conversation.
- Make a Donation
There are a number nonprofit organizations that are working to stand up for immigrants at this challenging time: ACLU Michigan, the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center, and (yes) Businesses and People for Immigration are a few such worthwhile organizations.
- Help Develop a Local Plan to Welcome and Support Immigrants in Your Area
Broad coalitions supporting immigrants and smart immigration policy have formed in Detroit, Flint, and Grand Rapids and many other parts of Michigan. Some of these coalitions have developed comprehensive plans and strategies. Others are still strategizing. If you are eager to join an existing effort or want more information on opportunities for your community contact us at info@globaldetroitmi.org.
Julien Godman( Communications Director )
Julien Godman is a multi-medium storyteller and communications strategist. He has over 15 years experience working in the Detroit creative nonprofit and philanthropic industries, with a focus on equitability and access. His work in communications, specifically public relations, brand development, and social media, is further enriched with a background in writing and journalism, with dozens of articles and print published over the years.
Steve Tobocman
As Global Detroit’s founding director, Steve has grown the organization into a national leader in immigrant-inclusive economic development. He also founded the Welcoming Economies Global Network and served as a state representative for Michigan’s 12th State House District, ending his term as the majority floor leader.