This year the process by which the future of our city will be formulated began by opening an application process to select members to an advisory committee to work with various components of city government in drafting an updated revision of the original Detroit Master Plan 2009. I am honored to have been appointed to serve you and by extension, the city, on this advisory committee. The committee will determine what our city will endeavor to undertake for at least the next generation and possibly into the next 50-100 years.
I don’t know if our community was represented the first time around and I am all but certain we were not included in a solicitation for input via a survey process. This time around, the availability of this process presents our first opportunity to contribute input as to our community’s’ priorities and the ability to rank them as well as assign ourselves credit for them by identifying as Hispanic/Latino in the survey.
The importance of your participation in the survey cannot be overstated. The development of the plan as well as the prioritization of issues will be in large part based on the feedback from the survey. The original deadline for the survey response submission was May 30, to maximize input it has been extended to June 30. By the time you read this, there will only be two weeks left to submit your responses to the survey.
The collective data will be used to drive the discussions for the next two years in developing the Master Plan. This work is scheduled to be completed in time to coincide with the next newly elected city administration which takes office in January 2026. Thus far, to my knowledge, I may be the only Hispanic appointed to the committee, which is why I encourage you and everyone you know to please make your voices heard by going online and filling out the survey. Figuratively speaking, I can’t carry the water if the buckets are empty. The future of our community depends largely on you caring enough to invest a few moments of your time to help shape the future of our city and most importantly our role in that future. Please don’t walk, RUN, to the nearest computer or device using the link or QR code below and log on to this site to complete the survey.
We can ill afford to be viewed as being indifferent or uncaring since indifference is the new discrimination and not answering the call to action, is us discriminating against ourselves. This appointment permits me to function as your proxy in the process; insuring, assuring and ensuring inclusion. This is your opportunity to be an extended member of the committee in shaping the Master Plan for Detroit’s foreseeable future. This is as important, if not more so, than voting and the census, if we don’t participate, we don’t count. Please help me make our community count. Mil Gracias!
Rogelio Landin is most renowned nationally for leading LULAC in the precedent setting successful filing of an Amicus in the Bradley v. Milliken II (1976-1978) desegregation case. Winning a favorable ruling in this case served to protect and preserve Bilingual education and the designation of minority status as included in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This case has had generational national and historical implications for the education of our children and continues to provide for the protection of Hispanic civil rights.