On Thursday, July 18, MANA de Metro Detroit held its major annual event, the Brindis Luncheon, an opportunity to raise funds to support MANA Scholarship Program as well as our Mentorship Programs. The Brindis Luncheon is also a celebratory occasion in which MANA publicly recognizes outstanding individuals that support the Latino community in Metro Detroit, through the presentation of the Adelita and Amigo of the Year Awards.

This year, MANA recognized three exceptional Latinas for their courage, perseverance and commitment to improving the lives of Latinos in Metro Detroit. MANA’s 2024 Adelita Award recipients are Tanya M. Caruana, Olga Ortiz Rodriguez, and Eva Torres. MANA’s 2024 Amigo of the Year Award was presented to Dr. José Cuello for his continued advocacy work on behalf of the Latino community. José has also been a strong supporter of MANA since its inception.
The mistress of ceremony was Laura Chávez-Wazeerud-Din, president and CEO of Southwest Detroit Business Association and the keynote speaker was the Honorable Patricia Perez Fresard, Chief Judge Third Judicial Court of Michigan. Both are trailblazing Latinas that inspired and energized the audience with their words of wisdom.
Since 1996, MANA de Metro Detroit has provided over $210,000 in scholarships to 164 deserving Latina scholars. Due to the generous support of our sponsors and donors, fifteen young women were awarded $2,000 scholarships for the 2024-25 academic year. In 2023, MANA created the Gloria Rosas Teacher Education Scholarship in honor of the renowned Gloria Rosas, activist and community organizer for bilingual education and bilingual parents. The intent of this scholarship is to support Spanish-speaking Latinas who are pursuing a teaching certificate in elementary or secondary education with an endorsement in bilingual education or English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction. The other scholarship categories include the Dr. Ellen Ochoa STEM Scholarship, the Monica L. Martinez Leadership Scholarship, the Carmen Muñoz Entrepreneurship Scholarship and the MANA General Scholarship.

The 2024 MANA de Metro Detroit Scholars are: Alondra Cruz-Améstica (WSU), Jennifer Rizo-Perez (U of M), Adilem Hernandez (WSU), Alejandra Padilla-Miguel (MSU), Angela Llanas (U of M), Arely Aguirre-Pacheco (U of M), Citlalli M. Cervantes-Alvarado (WSU), Deysi Joven Gonzalez (WSU), Isabel López (U of M), Valentina del Valle Martinez (Macomb College), Yoana Arreaga-Bartolon (MSU), Alexandra Velasco-Cruz (WSU), Elizabeth Amezcua-Tepehua (WSU), Yaritza Campos (U of M, Dearborn), and Paola Garza (U of M Dearborn).
MANA de Metro Detroit wishes to thank the sponsors, donors and volunteers that were responsible for 2024 Brindis Luncheon and the award recipients who together made this occasion a memorable event. If you feel inspired to join MANA de Metro Detroit or want to support the organization in any way, please go to the website www.manademetrodetroit.com to learn more about all of our programs and our upcoming events.
The Power of MANA is the Power of Women is the Power of Love
I am very honored by MANA’s recognition of my service to the community.
The title of my acceptance tribute is a chant of praise for MANA.
Love is the greatest idea the human species has ever invented.
Love, not hate, holds the human universe together.
Women know better than men how to volunteer their love.
You practice it by instinct. We, men, have to think about it.
You show us how to be kind.
The greatest form of love is known as the ultimate sacrifice.
Men make the ultimate sacrifice as heroes in war and as first responders.
You make the ultimate sacrifice over the length of your lives.
Your love makes you the healers and caregivers of the world.
You are the nurses, social workers, and teachers in our society.
You take care of our elders and disabled relatives at home.
You are the circle dancers for whom love falls from heaven like the gentle rain.
The Sisterhood of MANA is living proof of your love for our community.
Four of the five leaders of CHA, the Consortium of Hispanic Agencies,
are founders or members of MANA.
You are the majority of the employees and volunteers at all the agencies.
On the world stage, the most prominent symbol of Latina spiritual power
is the Virgin of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico.
Mother’s Day in Mexico is the most important national holiday.
Mother’s Day in the United States is more important than Father’s Day.
It is a challenge for us, the men, to up our game.
Thank you, MANA, for recognizing that I am the child of Maria Teodora Villanueva.
Thank you, Marie, for the fifty-one years of unconditional love
that freed me to become the human being that I am.
Finally, I want to suggest that this award be named
The German Rosas Farias Mano of the Year Award.