Every year, the vibrant Mexicantown-Hubbard Richard Neighborhood gets dressed up for the holidays and welcomes everyone to its annual Southwest Holiday Fest.
Local organizations and residents come together to offer a variety of activities that are full of flavor, color, music, and happiness. These activities range from a theater puppet show to a traditional Posada procession, and children are encouraged to visit “Pancho Claus.”
The Southwest Detroit Holiday Fest is an annual celebration that brings families and neighbors together to experience the joy and traditions of the holiday season along the Bagley St. and W. Vernor Hwy. corridor, specifically between 16th and 24th streets.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Southwest Detroit Holiday Fest, which is made possible through the generous support of several groups and organizations, including the Matrix Theatre Company, Mexicantown Community Development Corporation, Plaza del Sol, the Hubbard Richard Residents Association at the Gazebo, Roberto Clemente Recreation Center, We the People. and Corpus Art.
Southwest Detroit Holiday Fest: Una Celebración con un toque diferente.
Cada año, el vibrante vecindario de Mexicantown-Hubbard Richard se viste de gala para las fiestas y da la bienvenida a todas y todas a su festival anual.
Las organizaciones locales y los residentes de esta zona se unen para ofrecer actividades diversas llenas de sabor, color, música y alegría. Estas actividades van desde un show de marionetas en el teatro hasta una tradicional procesión de posadas, y se anima a los niños a visitar a “Pancho Claus”.
El Southwest Detroit Holiday Fest es una celebración anual que reúne a familias y vecinos para disfrutar de la alegría y las tradiciones de la temporada navideña a lo largo del corredor de Bagley St. y W. Vernor Hwy., específicamente entre las calles 16 y 24.
Este año se celebra el décimo aniversario del Southwest Detroit Holiday Fest. La celebración del 2024 ha sido posible gracias al apoyo de varios grupos y organizaciones, entre ellos Matrix Theatre Company, Mexicantown Community Development Corporation, Plaza del Sol, Hubbard Richard Residents Association en el Gazebo, Roberto Clemente Recreation Center, We the People y Corpus Art.