The City of Detroit is creating its first designated truck route network. Southwest Detroit residents are encouraged to complete an online survey to make sure the City does it right. Residents on neighborhood streets in Southwest Detroit have been dealing with semi-trucks on their residential streets for decades, affecting daily health, quality of life, and the need for constant home repairs from truck vibration damage and cleaning dust.

The recent City of Detroit Truck Study states, for example, that over 1,000 semi-trucks are driving on residential sections of Livernois Ave. passing in front of homes daily. Trucks drive by every 30 seconds at peak times of day. The purpose of the Southwest Detroit Truck Network Implementation Study is to identify opportunities for the City of Detroit and its partners to better manage local truck activity through Southwest Detroit to reduce truck traffic impacts on the local community while preserving access and network connectivity.

To achieve this, the study refines the Southwest Detroit trucking network as recommended in the 2021 Southwest Detroit Truck Route Study report, completed by Giffels Webster. This process included conducting a network analysis of the various traffic generators in Southwest Detroit and identifying travel behavior to and from these generators, while also making recommendations based on travel behavior associated with restrictions caused by the construction of the Gordie Howe International Bridge.
To access the City of Detroit’s Southwest Detroit Truck Route Implementation Study and survey, click on the link below.