The annual Unidos Ganamos gathering took place on July 15th at the Royal Oak Farmers Market. Now in its 15th year, the event is an invitation to lift up the Latino Community in southeast Michigan by getting together with free food and drink, as well as a short, informative program.
This year, the event featured State Rep. Darrin Camilleri, a well-respected political leader of Latino heritage. Rep. Camilleri is a Democratic candidate for State Senate in the upcoming primary election on August 2, 2022.
First organized by Lawrence Garcia in 2008, the event has grown into a much-anticipated opportunity to highlight leaders and issues of importance to the Latino community. “I am proud to be a member of the Latino Community,” said Garcia. “When Latinos are united, we can do more to help each other as well as everybody else.”
This year’s host committee included Lawrence and Laura Garcia, Luz Viviana Meza, Rico Razo, Jesus Hernandez, Brittiany Romero, Jesse Venegas, Veronica Beltran, Dr. Juan Martinez, and Anita Martinez.

Photos provided by Jose Juarez